February 25, 2012

Restringing a Racket with Haskell (pt 4)

Houston, we have a problem. If we evaluate result from part 3 and look at it closely, we'll see it:

type ExtractState a = State [Itemscope] a
*Main> result1
Right [Itemscope {itemscopeType = Nothing, itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "name", itempropValue = TextValue "quux"},Itemprop {itempropName = "item", itempropValue = ItemscopeValue (Itemscope {itemscopeType = Nothing, itemscopeProperties = []})}]},Itemscope {itemscopeType = Just "type", itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "name", itempropValue = TextValue "Foobar"}]}]

Uh, let me format that for you:

Right [
  Itemscope {itemscopeType = Nothing,
             itemscopeProperties = [
               Itemprop {itempropName = "name",
                         itempropValue = TextValue "quux"},
               Itemprop {itempropName = "item",
                         itempropValue = ItemscopeValue (
                           Itemscope {itemscopeType = Nothing,
                                      itemscopeProperties = []})}]},
  Itemscope {itemscopeType = Just "type",
             itemscopeProperties = [
               Itemprop {itempropName = "name",
                         itempropValue = TextValue "Foobar"}]}]

and pull up our original HTML for reference:

test1 = "
\ \
\ \


\ \
\ \ Foobar\ \

Here we can see that the Itemprops aren't in the right places at all. The "name"="quux" one should be inside the empty Itemscope that's the value of "item", and that Itemprop should be a sibling of the "name"="Foobar" one that's below. What's going wrong?

Well, after thinking a bit more about what the algorithm here needs to do, it's clear that we need to traverse one tree (the HTML), and build a new one (the Itemscopes). But although we used foldr to push items onto a stack as we walked down the HTML tree, we didn't pop any items from that stack as we unwound the HTML tree. So we were always left with last pushed item on the top of the stack when we updated the Itemprop values. This is completely broken.

Just to be a little more clear, there are 3 uses of foldr in our code: in extractItemprops, extractMicrodata and in extractMicrodataFromDoc. The one in extractItemprops is fine because it is simply processing a list of attributes that all belong to the same HTML element. Similarly, the one in extractMicrodataFromDoc is fine because it is processing the content of the document which is a list of HTML nodes all at the top-level of the document. The problem is in extractMicrodata which not only processes the immediate children of an element, but calls itself to process each of their children.

It isn't obvious how we can modify extractMicrodata to do this pushing and popping since it isn't until we get deep into its implementation do we know that we're looking at an element with an "itemscope" attribute. A better approach here would be to recurse down the xmlhtml tree, calling our extraction operations in a mutually recursive way, and returning a correctly constructed Itemscope from each call.

By mutually recursively, we mean calling extractMicrodata, extractItemprops, extractNewItemscope from each other as necessary -- so the 3 of these form a recursive cycle. But which one should be called first? To determine that, we need to consider the html structure. Some nodes like the div node in the example above have both itemprop and itemscope attributes. When this occurs we want the itemprop ("item" in this case) to have a value that contains the itemscope and all its sub-properties ("name"="quux" here). This means that extractItemprops should be called first (from extractMicrodataFromDoc), and it should in turn call extractNewItemscope to build a new Itemscope value when the itemscope attribute is present. Finally extractNewItemscope should call extractMicrodata to recursively process the html children, and this can recurse back to extractItemprops once again.

Unlike before when each of these functions would take a stack (list) of Itemscopes, now it's only necessary for them to take the current Itemscope object, and return a (possibly new) Itemscope on the way back out. This is because our call stack will replace the explicit stack (that we never popped) from before.

Let's start with extractMicrodata, since it's at the bottom of this call stack. Rather than calling all 3 extraction functions on each child, it now only calls extractItemprops:

extractMicrodata :: Node -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
extractMicrodata elt@(Element _ _ children) scope =
  foldr extractItemprops scope children
extractMicrodata _ scope = scope

Pretty straightforward. Next, extractMicrodata is called from extractNewItemscope. In the case where we have an element with an itemscope attribute, we'll construct a new Itemscope and pass this to extractMicrodata. Otherwise, we'll continue working with the one we were given:

extractNewItemscope :: Node -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
extractNewItemscope elt@(Element _ attrs _) scope
  | isJust $ lookup "itemscope" attrs =
    let newScope = Itemscope (lookup "itemtype" attrs) []
    in extractMicrodata elt newScope
extractNewItemscope node scope = extractMicrodata node scope

Next we can rework extractItemprops (and it's associated routine, extractItemprop) to call extractNewItemscope:

extractItemprop :: Node -> (Text, Text) -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
extractItemprop elt ("itemprop", name) scope =
  addProp name (extractHtml5Value elt scope) scope
extractItemprop _ _ scope = scope

extractItemprops :: Node -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
extractItemprops elt@(Element _ attrs _) scope =
  let scope' = extractNewItemscope elt scope
  in foldr (extractItemprop elt) scope' attrs
extractItemprops _ scope = scope

Now let's test them out on some simple html. To make doing this easier in ghci, let's first define a helper function to parse the html and get rid of the Either node (by throwing an exception in the Left (wrong) case), and a dummy Itemscope to use at the top-level:

html str = case parseHTML "" str of
  Left msg -> error msg
  Right rslt -> head $ docContent rslt

topscope = Itemscope (Just "top") []

Let's try our new functions out. Be sure to first enable OverloadedStrings in ghci so that we can have the literal html string converted to the correct type for our helper function:

*Main> :set -XOverloadedStrings
*Main> extractNewItemscope (html "


") topscope Itemscope {itemscopeType = Nothing, itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "name", itempropValue = TextValue "quux"}]} *Main> extractNewItemscope (html "


") topscope Itemscope {itemscopeType = Just "top", itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "name", itempropValue = TextValue "quux"}]}

This seem to be working correctly. When we call extractNewItemscope with a node with itemscope, we built a new Itemscope object and store the "name"="quux" property there. And when the node doesn't have itemscope, we store "name"="quux" in the current Itemscope that's passed in (topscope in this case).

But wait a minute... In the first case above, we ended up dropping the passed-in scope on the floor. You can see this because the scope parameter is never used in extractNewItemscope's first function case. This isn't right, because that scope might already contain someone's "good stuff" that they're expecting to see in the final result. What we really need to do in extractNewItemscope is return both the previous scope (our state) and the newly constructed Itemscope object (our result value) if we do indeed construct one. Likewise, in the case where we don't construct one, then the updated scope will be both our state, and our Itemscope result value:

extractNewItemscope :: Node -> Itemscope -> (Itemscope, Itemscope)
extractNewItemscope elt@(Element _ attrs _) scope
  | isJust $ lookup "itemscope" attrs =
    let newScope = Itemscope (lookup "itemtype" attrs) []
    in (extractMicrodata elt newScope, scope)
extractNewItemscope node scope =
  let scope' = extractMicrodata node scope
  in (scope', scope')

Since we've changed the type of extractNewItemscope, this requires a similar change in extractItemprops. Now we need to receive both the result value and the updated state from extractNewItemscope and use the new Itemscope value whenever the itemprop keyword is seen:

extractItemprop :: Node -> Itemscope -> (Text, Text) -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
extractItemprop elt is ("itemprop", name) scope =
  addProp name (extractHtml5Value elt is) scope
extractItemprop _ _ _ scope = scope

extractItemprops :: Node -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
extractItemprops elt@(Element _ attrs _) scope =
  let (is, scope') = extractNewItemscope elt scope
  in foldr (extractItemprop elt is) scope' attrs
extractItemprops _ scope = scope

Let's see if this works:

*Main> extractItemprops (html "


") topscope Itemscope {itemscopeType = Just "top", itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "name", itempropValue = TextValue "quux"}]} *Main> extractItemprops (html "


") topscope Itemscope {itemscopeType = Just "top", itemscopeProperties = []}

Hmmm... another problem. In the first case where there is no itemscope attribute things work properly. The topscope is updated to contain the "name"="quux" property as we expect. But in the second case when itemscope is present, there's another problem. We're only getting an empty topscope here. The reason for this is because there is no itemprop that connects the topscope to the inner Itemscope object. Let's add one and verify that this is indeed the problem:

*Main> extractItemprops (html "


") topscope Itemscope {itemscopeType = Just "top", itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "connect", itempropValue = ItemscopeValue (Itemscope {itemscopeType = Nothing, itemscopeProperties = [Itemprop {itempropName = "name", itempropValue = TextValue "quux"}]})}]}

This is what we're expecting to see -- the topscope now contains the "connect" property that connects it to the previously orphaned Itemscope containing "name"="quux". So this means that although extractItemprops appears to be working ok for the case where everything is connected, we have an oversight for the case when we have isolated Itemscopes that aren't connected. We need to return these as results too somehow.

The easiest way to do this might be to find the point in the code were we're about to drop an orphaned Itemscope, and store it in a list somewhere so that we can get it when the algorithm completes. This new list becomes another piece of state that we need to pass around.

In order to keep things tidy, let's introduce a State type and use this in all of our stateful functions. That will be a little clearer than making the result be a tuple. Here's our state which includes the current Itemscope that the algorithm is working on, which we had before, and the new list of orphaned Itemscopes:

type State = (Itemscope, [Itemscope])

Now we can rewrite our stateful code as follows:

extractMicrodata :: Node -> State -> State
extractMicrodata elt@(Element _ _ children) state =
  foldr extractItemprops state children
extractMicrodata _ state = state

extractNewItemscope :: Node -> State -> (Itemscope, State)
extractNewItemscope elt@(Element _ attrs _) (scope, orphans)
  | isJust $ lookup "itemscope" attrs =
    let newScope = Itemscope (lookup "itemtype" attrs) []
        (scopeVal, orphans') = extractMicrodata elt (newScope, orphans)
    in (scopeVal, (scope, orphans'))
extractNewItemscope node state =
  let state'@(scopeVal, _) = extractMicrodata node state
  in (scopeVal, state')  -- return current scope as scopeVal

extractItemprop :: Node -> Itemscope -> (Text, Text) -> State -> State
extractItemprop elt is ("itemprop", name) (scope, orphans) =
  (addProp name (extractHtml5Value elt is) scope, orphans)
extractItemprop _ _ _ state = state

extractItemprops :: Node -> State -> State
extractItemprops elt@(Element _ attrs _) state =
  let (is, state') = extractNewItemscope elt state
  in foldr (extractItemprop elt is) state' attrs
extractItemprops _ scope = scope

The problem now is that although we're passing our new result state around, we are never storing anything into it. As the algorithm is implemented, it isn't clear where this should happen... so I'll give you a hint. It happens in the case where the foldr in extractItemprops doesn't encounter an itemprop attribute. I guess foldr isn't what we want anymore then.

Now we could do another pass over the attributes to determine whether itemprop doesn't occur, or we could pass a boolean through the foldr accumulator and update it if anything is found. But let's make it easy on ourselves and say that the itemprop attribute can only occur once in an html node. That allows us to rewrite extractItemprops to use find instead of foldr to look for the itemprop attribute:

extractItemprops :: Node -> State -> State
extractItemprops elt@(Element _ attrs _) state =
  let (is, (scope, orphans)) = extractNewItemscope elt state
  in case lookup "itemprop" attrs of
    Just name -> (addProp name (extractHtml5Value elt is) scope, orphans)
    Nothing -> (scope, is:orphans)
extractItemprops _ state = state

Now in the case where we find something, we add a new property as before. But in the case were we don't, we throw the Itemscope object on the result list instead.

Let's wrap this up by reworking the last function we need, extractMicrodataFromDoc:

extractMicrodataFromDoc :: Document -> [Itemscope]
extractMicrodataFromDoc doc =
  let initialState = (Itemscope (Just "top") [], [])
      (scope, orphans) = foldr extractItemprops initialState $ docContent doc
  in scope:orphans

And finally, our debugged, working code:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text, concat)
import Prelude hiding (concat)
import Text.XmlHtml

data Itemprop = Itemprop {
  itempropName :: Text,
  itempropValue :: MicrodataValue
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Itemscope = Itemscope {
  itemscopeType :: Maybe Text,
  itemscopeProperties :: [Itemprop]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

addProp :: Text -> MicrodataValue -> Itemscope -> Itemscope
addProp name value (Itemscope t props) =
  Itemscope t (Itemprop name value : props)

hasItemscope :: Node -> Bool
hasItemscope elt@(Element _ _ _) =
  isJust $ lookup "itemscope" $ elementAttrs elt
hasItemscope _ = False

data MicrodataValue = ItemscopeValue Itemscope
                    | TextValue Text
                    deriving (Show, Eq)

extractHtml5Value :: Node -> Itemscope -> MicrodataValue
extractHtml5Value elt scope | hasItemscope elt = ItemscopeValue scope
extractHtml5Value elt scope =
  TextValue $ foldMap getText $ elementChildren elt
  where getText elt@(TextNode text) = text
        getText _ = ""

type State = (Itemscope, [Itemscope])

extractMicrodata :: Node -> State -> State
extractMicrodata elt@(Element _ _ children) state =
  foldr extractItemprops state children
extractMicrodata _ state = state

extractNewItemscope :: Node -> State -> (Itemscope, State)
extractNewItemscope elt@(Element _ attrs _) (scope, orphans)
  | isJust $ lookup "itemscope" attrs =
    let newScope = Itemscope (lookup "itemtype" attrs) []
        (scopeVal, orphans') = extractMicrodata elt (newScope, orphans)
    in (scopeVal, (scope, orphans'))
extractNewItemscope node state =
  let state'@(scopeVal, _) = extractMicrodata node state
  in (scopeVal, state')  -- return current scope as scopeVal

extractItemprops :: Node -> State -> State
extractItemprops elt@(Element _ attrs _) state =
  let (is, (scope, orphans)) = extractNewItemscope elt state
  in case lookup "itemprop" attrs of
    Just name -> (addProp name (extractHtml5Value elt is) scope, orphans)
    Nothing -> (scope, is:orphans)
extractItemprops _ state = state

extractMicrodataFromDoc :: Document -> [Itemscope]
extractMicrodataFromDoc doc =
  let initialState = (Itemscope (Just "top") [], [])
      (scope, orphans) = foldr extractItemprops initialState $ docContent doc
  in scope:orphans

-- Debugging stuff:

html str = case parseHTML "" str of
  Left msg -> error msg
  Right rslt -> head $ docContent rslt

topscope = Itemscope (Just "top") []

test1 = "
\ \
\ \


\ \
\ \ Foobar\ \
" result1 = fmap extractMicrodataFromDoc $ parseHTML "" test1

Now are we done? There's always one more thing! In part 5 we'll see how to use the "m" word to simplify this further.

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